CEO & INVESTOR DAY 2024: Thinking Big to Scale Impact Projects

Last week, we celebrated the CEO & Investor Days, one of the most special events at Ship2B Ventures. Two days dedicated to strengthening synergies between our community of social entrepreneurs and investors, providing a space for knowledge-sharing and exchanging experiences to further drive the social and environmental transformation we are fostering.

The CEO Day began with an atmosphere full of energy and optimism. The first session of the day allowed the CEOs in our portfolio to adopt a holistic lens to address the challenges they are solving through the startups they lead. Jean-Claude Rodríguez, an Ashoka fellow, introduced the concept of systemic change, reminding us that true impact is not only measured by immediate results but also by how our actions can change the structures that perpetuate social inequalities and environmental issues.

Javier Creus, founder of Ideas for Change and creator of the pentagrowth methodology, challenged the attendees to think more disruptively, presenting the various levers of growth to enhance both profitability and impact. His methodology resonated with the entrepreneurs, who took note of how to scale their projects and expand their influence.

In the final session, Albert Gallart shared his personal entrepreneurial journey, which sparked a discussion among the community about inorganic growth strategies, various scenarios depending on the situation, and the opportunities and risks each presents.

Thus, founders from around 30 impact startups delved into discussions and practical workshops on how to scale their projects without losing sight of their core motivation—creating a positive impact that directly benefits people and the environment. The learning environment was constant, but there was also room for fun and relaxation, creating a key space for forging synergies among entrepreneurs. Ultimately, CEO Day is about building lasting relationships that drive change.

During Investor Day, we brought together the investor community that trusts in Ship2B Ventures and impact investing as a driver for creating a fairer, more sustainable society. This day is an excellent opportunity to share with our investors the progress of the BSocial Impact Fund, introduce the latest startups in the portfolio, present the much-anticipated 2024 Impact Report, and reflect on the current challenges and opportunities for impact investing in today’s context.

We kicked off the day with a visit to the Alícia Foundation, where its General Director, Toni Massanés, introduced us to the foundation’s work in food and science research aimed at improving people’s quality of life through nutrition. The foundation combines culinary creativity, scientific rigour, and design thinking tools in initiatives and projects with clearly defined, measurable objectives to improve food quality.

Following the visit, Daniel Sánchez, president of Ship2B Ventures, introduced the current team and shared the status of the BSocial Impact Fund, now in its third year, through which we have invested in 29 impact startups to date. His presentation was followed by a session where the CEOs of the most recently funded startups not only presented their projects but also shared their motivation for leading them and the purpose they pursue. The investors’ interest was palpable in every conversation and every question asked of the entrepreneurs, as they sought to gain a better understanding of the projects and how they could amplify both impact and profitability.

Finally, during an open discussion between Daniel Sánchez, co-founders Maite Fibla and Xavi Pont, and the rest of the investors present, we deepened our commitment to remaining pioneers in impact investing, with maximum rigour through our impact methodology and investment thesis.

Both events were held in the stunning surroundings of the Sant Benet Monastery in Bages, originally built in the 10th century and restored in the early 20th century by the modernist architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch.