Hoop Carpool

Increase shared mobility to relieve traffic congestion, reduce emissions and save money.

Why do we like Hoop Carpool?


According to EIT Urban Mobility, 23% of Europe’s CO2-eq emissions are produced by transport. Vehicles are the biggest cause of air pollution in our cities. We spend one year of our lives commuting, which implies €130bn lost every year due to congestion. We need to change urban travel patterns, increase the efficiency of the transport system, and further encourage the shift to lower-emission transport modes.


Hoop Carpool provides a carpooling platform for corporates, universities, and municipalities to improve commuting, increase car occupancy, and reduce traffic congestion and car emissions. The platform combines a proprietary Mobile app for users and admin management software for corporates, universities, and municipalities. The mobile app helps users to coordinate trips and leverages a proprietary algorithm to optimise routes.


Increase the urban car occupancy and decrease the amount of fossil fuels needed for transportation.


  • Transport & Mobility



1st investment